简介:A film adaptation of a play made by a high school drama club, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro of Linda Linda Linda (2006). It’s essentially a coming-of-age film about teenagers made by teenagers. During summer vacation, at a high school, the PE teacher makes female students who skipped his class clean the outdoor swimming pool. The drained pool is full of sand blown in from a ne...
A film adaptation of a play made by a high school drama club, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro of Linda Linda Linda (2006). It’s essentially a coming-of-age film about teenagers made by teenagers. During summer vacation, at a high school, the PE teacher makes female students who skipped his class clean the outdoor swimming pool. The drained pool is full of sand blown in from a ne...展开
皮埃尔·尼内///阿娜伊斯·德穆斯蒂埃///皮耶尔弗兰切斯科·法维诺///安娜玛丽亚·沃特鲁梅///奥斯卡·莱斯格///罗兰·拉斐特///瓦西里·施耐德///朱利安·德·圣·让///巴斯蒂安·布永///帕特里克·米勒// Matthew T. Reynolds / Bruno Raffaelli / Abde Maziane / Olivier Le Montagner/